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  • Poly Crystalline Diamond Compact- "Standard"

  • Standard PDC Nomenclature 

PDC Stranded Bits

PC- Standard PDC Product line

Specifically designed to improve drilling economics

                                                                                   SMART™ Software                                                                                                                               

   SMART™          proprietary design tool and CFD software enable the designer to utilize the heavy

                             diamond coverage and crown configuration of the PC product line to maximize

                             stability and bit cleaning while drilling interbedded, hard and abrasive lithologies,

                             without sacrificing penetration rates.


                                                                                      PC  drill bits minimize buildup of cuttings at the bit face in order to improve ROP using


                                                                                       Directional mud flow – – For immediate drilled cuttings removal and bit face cleaning to

                                                                                       enable the sharp cutting edge to meet new uncut enable the sharp cutting edge to meet

                                                                                       new uncut rates and bit life. formation, maximizing penetration rates and bit life


  3D Cuttings Removal Management-                                                                                                                             

    - Bullet-shaped body – streamlines the bit, making it easier for cuttings to sweep around
     the body and into the junk slot.

   -Reduced body diameter –increases the distance between the borehole and the bit body
       in the junk slot, improving the ability of cuttings to pass through the slots. Greater area
       around the body allows the bit to pass over or through a cuttings bed, without blade
       packing and nozzle plugging.

    -Greater blade height – increases the junk slot area

    Using SMART™ and CFD software to enhance bit crown configuration allows drilled cuttings to sweep around the body and into the junk slots.

                                                                All PC standard products are equipped with premium cutters (P).


“B” Feature
Backreaming Cutters

Strategic placement cutters on upside of each blade, to allow backreaming in tight spots, reduces the potential of bit sticking while pulling out of the hole 

“I” Feature
Insert Control Depth of Cut

Strategic placement cutters on upside of each blade, to allow backreaming in tight spots, reduces the potential of bit sticking while pulling out of the hole

“H” Feature
Higher Numbers of Nozzle than

Increased cleaning, cooling, and cuttings evacuation with available hydraulic flows, higher flow rates with minimal increase in pump pressure, and reduced risk of bit balling.

“Q” Feature
Fixed Ports

Optimizes hydraulics in applications where the use of nozzles compromises the bit design because of space limitations or other similar reason, provides additional cleaning of the cutting structure.

                   “E” Feature


Longer gauge than standard, Enhances bit stability and allows more area for gauge protection components.

“X” Feature
Partial Backup Cutters

     Backup Cutters to beef up certain areas of cutting structure to enhance bit durability without scarifying rate of penetration 

     Partial backup cutters might be represented as following options:


  • "D 1"

    Backup cutters on 50% of numbers of blades

  • "D 2"

    Partial backup cutters on 100% of numbers of blades

  • Comment

    Full backup cutters on 100% of numbers of blades  integrated within “Double Row” Feature .

Drill Bits
PDC Bits
Roller Cone Bits
Borehole Enlargement Tools
BI Center
Hole Opener
EX Reamer
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